All Corot Camille 's Paintings

The Painting Names Are Sorted From A to Z
Oil On Canvas, Real Flavor of Old Masters

Choice ID Image  Painting (From A to Z)       Details 
38142 Christine Nilson or Bohemia with Mandolin  Christine Nilson or Bohemia with Mandolin   mk131 1874 Corot declares in these portraits of study its aficion by the theater and operates it.
38137 Claire Sennegon  Claire Sennegon   mk131 Charmois 1837 Claire was, al to seem, the niece favo-rita of corot, the one that but recalled its own mother, to which worshipped-always itself referia to her as the belle you give me.
31108 Dunkerque,les bassins de peche  Dunkerque,les bassins de peche   mk71 1875 Toile H.0.35 L.0.47 Dunkerque,Musee des Beaux-Arts
38133 Entrance of Coubron  Entrance of Coubron   mk131 Toward 1874 Since 1867 Corot maintained in this place close to Beauvais a study in the country that hardly anybody conocia.
38103 Florence Since the Gardens of Boboli  Florence Since the Gardens of Boboli   mk131 1835-1840 The two arboles in first I finish they initiate a sequence of vertical references that contnuan al fund in the campanle
38140 Girl Peninandose  Girl Peninandose   mk131 1860-1865 It influence-cla of pictures as this on the toilettes of Degas is evident.
38107 Homero and the shepherds  Homero and the shepherds   mk131 1845 It inspired in a poem of Andre chenier, Corot yields aqui tribute al classicist teaching of Bertin and in finalizes instance, of poussin and cludio of lorraine.
38111 I remember of Mortefontaine  I remember of Mortefontaine   mk131 Toward 1864 Mortefontaine is a jardin picturesque al north of Paris created in the 17th century and plagued of lakes and rarely Vegetable species.
38134 Interior of the Cathedral of sens  Interior of the Cathedral of sens   mk131 1874 painted from life pocoantes desu death, the theme, little frequent in corot, remits to the Dutch painting of the XVII and to the romanticos English, very given al mystery of the religious interiors.
38102 Ischa since the slopes of the mount Epomeo  Ischa since the slopes of the mount Epomeo   mk131 1828 Two pochadeso outlines rapidos of the natural one that show the liberty of corot when itself is not faced to a formal picture
34606 Le Batelier de Mortefontaine  Le Batelier de Mortefontaine   mk94 1865-70
31109 Le Chateau de Wagnonville  Le Chateau de Wagnonville   mk71 1871 Toile H.0.32 L.0.40 Douai,Musee de la Chartreuse
31107 Le Pressoir de Domfront  Le Pressoir de Domfront   mk71 vers1850 Toile H.0.159 L.0.255 Chateau-musee de Boulogne-sur-mer
31106 Les Bucheronnes  Les Bucheronnes   mk71 1871-1872 Toile H.0.878 L.1.150 Musee des Beaux-Arts d'Arras
38100 Manana in Venice  Manana in Venice   mk131 1834 It painted during the second trip to ltalia, Corot Amuses the azure light.
38139 Marietta  Marietta   mk131 1843 Corot I paint few naked, but always with singular fortune and with an accent incofundible in the pntura French du its time.
54526 Memory of Mortefontaine  Memory of Mortefontaine   mk235 1864 Oil on canvas 65x89cm
38109 Nymph Reclined  Nymph Reclined   mk131 Toward 1857 they dealt with the smooth light and the espirutu poetico own of its landscapes bucolicos. The prodigious naked one that dominates the composicion overflows with a lot of the somewhat cloying conventionality of that part of the work of corot.
38122 Path on the Rlo  Path on the Rlo   mk131 With the excepcion of the groins Constable, ningun painter speaks presented with taanta boldness the idea of the landscape as fragmeto of nature, and not cmo alegoria or reconstruccion ideal and escenografica of an order arquetlpico.
38136 Portrait of Mme  Portrait of Mme   mk131 Baujot 1837 Corot that never itself case, tenla true devocion by the daughters of its sisters, to the ones that treated as own.
38127 Rafaga of wind  Rafaga of wind   mk131 1865 Exposed with exito in the salon of 1867 is a matter of a composicion carried out in study in spite of its liberty tecnica, and sample the capacity of corot to retain long time its famous first one impresion.
38138 Reader crowned of flowers or The Muse of virgil  Reader crowned of flowers or The Muse of virgil   mk131 1845 one of the first samples of the figures alegoricas that Corot frecuentaria al final of its career.
38129 seine al bridge  seine al bridge   mk131 Toward 1868-1870 Corot visited frequently Mantes, where tenia friends, and alli I paint a view of l city and various pictures of the city and various pictures of the cathedral and the bridge on the seine.
38092 Self-portrait  Self-portrait   mk131 Toward 1835 oieo sober fabric 34x25cm
38135 Self-Portrait  Self-Portrait   mk131 It painted immediately before its trip to ltalia to peticion of its famila, that queria to conserve a memory during the long absence.
38118 The antepuerto of Rouen  The antepuerto of Rouen   mk131 1834 Almost all the painters of the XIX-EVEN the own impressionists changed of registration in the sent pictures al
38110 The Baptism of Christ  The Baptism of Christ   mk131 1847 Painted by official assignment for the baptismal chapel of San Nicolas of Chardonnet, in Paris, Is one of the scarce incursions of corot in to painting decorative.
38132 The bell tower of Doual  The bell tower of Doual   mk131 1871 Corot I paint this view from the window of a habitacion in Douai during Long sessions in which not admitia views that distracted him.
38130 The bridge of Mantes  The bridge of Mantes   mk131 Toward 1868-1870 Corot visited frequently Mantes, where tenia friends, and alli I paint a view of l city and various pictures of the city and various pictures of the cathedral and the bridge on the seine.
38096 The bridge of Narni.  The bridge of Narni.   mk131 1827 The critica hectares opuesto el boceto of 1826
38095 The bridge of Narnl  The bridge of Narnl   mk131 1826 It impressed by the contrast extre the ruin of this bridge gypsy temperate the Nera there the vast extension of the virgin landscape there abrupt in known environment.
38123 The castle of pierrefonds  The castle of pierrefonds   mk131 Toward 1840-1845 As in the views of ciucdades, Corot chooses a distant point of view that permits him recogerel motive with amplitude
38098 The castle of Sant Angelo and the Tiber  The castle of Sant Angelo and the Tiber   mk131 1826-1828 Corot considered always querencia the uniform lights
38116 The Cathedral of market analyses  The Cathedral of market analyses   mk131 1830 TO Corot him sorpendio in chartres the Revolucion of July
38117 The Cathedral of market analyses  The Cathedral of market analyses   mk131 1830 TO Corot him sorpendio in chartres the Revolucion of July
38131 The church of Marissel  The church of Marissel   mk131 1867 Presented in the Salon of 1867, Was another of the large exitos that sprinkled the ultimos anuses of Corot.
38108 The dance of the nymphs  The dance of the nymphs   mk131 Hacial 1850 Exhibited with flat exito in the Salon of 1851 This work consagraria at last the fame of corot, Although in a well different registration from the one that testifies its better qualities.
38094 The forum of the garden farnes  The forum of the garden farnes   mk131 1826 it painted from life since the palation
38121 The houses of cabassud  The houses of cabassud   mk131 1835-1840 Corot passed long seasons in the property of its family in ville d' avray.
50189 The Italian vill behind pines  The Italian vill behind pines   mk209 undate 61x44
38143 The lady of blue  The lady of blue   mk131 1874 Surely and I finalize and but extrano of the pictures of figures painted by Corot
38735 The Little Shepherd  The Little Shepherd   mk141 1840 Oil on canvas 135x110cm
54527 The Mill at Saint-Nicolas-les-Arras  The Mill at Saint-Nicolas-les-Arras   mk235 1874 Oil on canvas 65.5x81cm
38112 The morning star  The morning star   mk131 1864 inspired in some verses of Alfred of Musset al way of the False bard Ossian, so diffused by the Romanticism in every Europe.
38120 The Moulin of the Calette in Montmartre  The Moulin of the Calette in Montmartre   mk131 1840 they Lacked todavia many anuses so that the hill of Montmartre itself to Become place of Favorite residence of the painters in Paris and so that in this luar, even rural, the room of dance was installed al air free immortalized by renoir in its famous picture.
38124 The quai give paquis in geneva  The quai give paquis in geneva   mk131 1841 criticizes has discussed It on the date of this picture, that at times is delayed until 1859 or even
38126 The road of sevres  The road of sevres   mk131 Toward 1855 The vision level in depth of a rural road to be another of the motives that the impressionist from monet and renoir to pissarro and sisley-take of corot, although they be used to preferring frame diagonals that are distinguished of the caracteristica composicion horizontal of the teacher.
38113 The road of Without-him-Noble  The road of Without-him-Noble   mk131 Near Doual 1873 In some cases, Corot explores a via intermediate and of buy-miso between the compositions liricas and the nature observed in direct
38119 The Seine and the Quai give orfevres  The Seine and the Quai give orfevres   mk131 1835 Almost all the painters of the XIX-EVEN the own impressionists changed of registration in the sent pictures al
38093 The Theater  The Theater   mk131 1825 Oil on canvas
38097 The theater from garden it Farnes  The theater from garden it Farnes   mk131 1826 Another of tired views painted that hill from the anus of the palation
38099 The Trinita ai Monti  The Trinita ai Monti   mk131 1826-1828 Another good example of the role that the values play in the work of Corot.
38128 The vaguada  The vaguada   mk131 1855 Corot approaches aqul, by the intensity and coolness of its green, to the examples but advanced of the school of Barbizon, especially to Daubigny.
38101 The walk of Poussin Campina of Rome  The walk of Poussin Campina of Rome   mk131 1826-1828 outlines rapidos of the natural one that show the liberty of corot when itself is not faced to a formal picture
38106 The Waterfalls  The Waterfalls   mk131 1843 As the previous one, was painted during the I finalize trip of corot to ltalia.
38141 The woman of the pearl  The woman of the pearl   mk131 1868-1870 Without doubt is the but famous of the pictures of figures of corot and the one that but fascinacion has exercised despues on impressionists and cubist.
38105 Tivoli The gardens of the village  Tivoli The gardens of the village   mk131 1843 Composed with the severity of the landscape painters clasicos, but without losing an apice of the immediacy of the free air
31105 Une Route pres d'Arras  Une Route pres d'Arras   mk71 Toile H.0.35 L.0.46 Musee des Beaux-Arts d'Arras
33850 View of Genoa  View of Genoa   mk87 1834 Oil on canvas 29.5x39cm Chicago,The Art Institute of Chicago
38114 View of Saint-It  View of Saint-It   mk131 1833 Corot continuous developing in France the same way of Representing cities in lajanas views panoramicas learned in ltalia the decada previous
38115 View of Saint-It  View of Saint-It   mk131 1833 Corot continuous developing in France the same way of Representing cities in lajanas views panoramicas learned in ltalia the decada previous
38104 Volterra  Volterra   mk131 1834 The Contraposicion of the solid wooded one and the city, as emerging after the, gives rise to two processing pictoricos different

Corot Camille
French Realist Painter , 1796-1875 French painter, draughtsman and printmaker. After a classical education at the Coll?ge de Rouen, where he did not distinguish himself, and an unsuccessful apprenticeship with two drapers, Corot was allowed to devote himself to painting at the age of 26. He was given some money that had been intended for his sister, who had died in 1821, and this, together with what we must assume was his family's continued generosity, freed him from financial worries and from having to sell his paintings to earn a living. Corot chose to follow a modified academic course of training. He did not enrol in the Ecole des Beaux-Arts but studied instead with Achille Etna Michallon and, after Michallon's death in 1822, with Jean-Victor Bertin. Both had been pupils of Pierre-Henri Valenciennes, and, although in later years Corot denied that he had learnt anything of value from his teachers

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